Wednesday 20 March 2013

relocation of the capital

”Joking aside,is it possible?”
Saigo asked.

The man replied.
This man was Choshu samurai named ”Omura Masujiro”.

During this period,there was a change to the organization of the new government.
He came from Kyoto as operations staff.

When second Choshu conquest by Tokugawa.
The man who drafted the strategy of Choshu .
It was him.
As result Choshu had succession of victories against Tokugawa.

Kyoto city was the capital of Japan.
Because the Emperor was in there.
But Edo city was the de facto capital at that time.   

"Osaka city become the new capital of Japan."
At first,there was this concept inside the new government. 
”But Edo city remain uninjured.
Therefore capital functions remain uninjured."
For example modern dock in Yokosuka.
Yokohama had been developed as a trading city. 
Already from the days of Tokugawa,Edo city was trying change to the modern capital.
"We should be used it."
Such opinions had become strong inside the new government.


"If we have the capital to Edo,we are possible to continuously employ an officials of the Tokugawa.
And people will also come gathering to Edo city again.
Edo merchants will can take a breath by it.

Osaka is a city of merchants originally.
The formation process of Osaka city is different fundamentally to Edo.
Samurai was almost non-existent there. 
Even if we leave them alone,they will can overcome this crisis by themselves."
Saigo said so with laugh.

And another problem had been come to the surface at that time.

When Tokugawa had regime,aristocracy of Kyoto was limited action by Tokugawa.
Most of them were not to go out of the Kyoto and income had been limited.

”Reverence for the Emperor.”
New administration was born by this nominal.

"I’m a person who have been trust from the Emperor.
Currently, the Imperial Court is in need of funds.
You should provide the money for the Emperor."
"Main aristocracy of the imperial court.
I am very close with them.
If you require,I can be introduced you to them." 
"I'm a aristocracy.
So,I am a sacred presence." 
After the Restoration,such aristocracy appeared many.
Trouble by it had occurred in outside of Kyoto especially.

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