Sunday 31 March 2013

"this is mere armchair theory."

Omura only said so.

"The Shogitai hold  the main enemy troops to Edo city."
Their strategy had been planed by this assumption.
But this assumption had completely disappeared by the battle of the half-day.
Shogitai side intentions was for the strengthening of their influence.
Ōu side intentions was for enhance the morale and unity of allies.
Consequently they did hype about ability of the Shogitai.

"In fact, Edo city is under their control.
West military are weak."
Their wishful thinking.
When it inflated to the maximum,the Shogitai were mopping up in half a day by the new government troops.

Influence of pro-Tokugawa faction was still strong in the Kanto region.
Of course its influence was also included in their strategy.

"But this result will a significant impact on public feeling in the Kanto region."
At least it was clear.

More than anything,new government troops gained freedom of maneuver by it.
"More than anything,they have been delayed one move in the first place."

By the way ministers of Tokugawa regime was responsible by Tokugawa vassal.

Tokugawa had the territory to throughout Japan for their vassal in addition to its themselves territory.
When they appointed ministers of Tokugawa,they were given a territory to near the Edo city.
After the end of his term,they moved to a different territory.
In other words,this is Transfer.

Reassignment of theirs territory was often by theirs work content. 
Territory of Tokugawa ministers was chosen from strategic points in the traffic of near the Edo city.
Shirakawa was one of them. 

Lord of Shirakawa who was ministers of Tokugawa.
A few years ago,he got to the dismissal.
Therefore he was transferred from Shirakawa.

But after this,era had been deepening the degree of confusion.
Political center of Japan had moved to Kyoto already.

Probably there was no such spare time to Tokugawa.
New lord of Shirakawa was not determined until this time.

And Restoration had happen. 
Local agency of new government came to Ōu region.

”You guys must subdue Aizu and Shonai.”
Suddenly they received this instruction.
Eventually, they succumbed to this instruction.
But there were no will to war in each other.

local agency of new government  had to right of administration of the Shirakawa castle at that time.
But their own troops was small.
And there were not lords who defend the Shirakawa castle for them.
Therefore Shirakawa Castle had become practically vacant. 

Eventually the Shirakawa Castle had been occupied by Aizu .
But defense of this castle by Aizu only.
It was impossible as their military force. 

Ōu alliance was established. 
However,before they set a firm alliance strategy,counterattack of the new government troops has been started.

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