Friday 17 May 2013

high-potential person

Fiscal consolidation of Hattori family.
Just maybe it was test to Kinjiro by lord.
"High-potential person."
Tadazane of Odawara lord had Kinjiro in his lists already.
Utsu family of Odawara lord branch. 
Sakura of Shimotsuke was in its territory.
(Current Tochigi Prefecture Ninomiya town)

According to Tomita of disciples of Kinjiro,it was a territory of 4000 koku.
(This was written in 1856.)
Therefore Utsu family are not "the lords" of Tokugawa regime.

According to the data of a survey currently.

1698,number of houses is 400 and population is about 1900.
1822,number of houses is 156 and population is 749.

1780,Utsu family did debt the 50 ryo from merchant of Edo Kyobashi.
Its mortgage was tribute of next year.

1795 of 15 years later,they did debt 200 ryo from the same merchant.
This debt was non-interest-bearing and 20 annual installments.

But they did not repaid from the first year.
As result they were sued by merchant.

"Its merchant become the same treatment of vassal(samurai) of Utsu family."
This was resolved by it.

This was a samurai in name only. 
But feudal era was the identification system.
It was worth enough, as ”honor”.

"Debt is not a problem if we do bilk."
Of course、they did not think so. 
During this period,famine of maximum victims at Tokugawa era was occurs.

1786,they have borrowed 600 ryo from Odawara clan of head family for flood damage.
Their finances had collapsed completely.
Odawara clan of head family.
They even had debt to 40 merchants in Osaka and Kyoto.
There was a limit to the assistance.
Hattori of executive of head family.
His territory was 1200 koku.
But actual income was about 161 koku.
And personal debt was 246 ryo.
(1818 circa)

"As the same treatment of a village head of Utsu territory."
1822,Kinjiro was ordered officially the fiscal reform of Utsu territory from Odawara lord.
Incidentally,this year was the sixth year of the reform of Soma clan.

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