Thursday 8 August 2013


"Duke of Zhou was able to return regime to the king eventually.
If possible I also want to do so.

You must put on throne.

However,there is such instruction of god to me.
(Chinese God of course.)
I can't go against god's command.
Although there are very sorry,I must become the emperor."
When Wang did usurpation of the throne of Han,he said so.

"This is omen of appears of a holy emperor that has been recorded in ancient documents."
At that time, such events had been numerous reports.

"Wang Mang is the Holy Emperor of us."
This momentum of people had increased naturally.

But all events were fake by Wang.
He ordered his men and he spread this fiction to people.

"Wang Mang is the Holy Emperor of us."
Probably,fake would have existed even in this such word.

And ancient documents like that. 
He seems to have started a counterfeit of it eventually.


There were ancient documents that described the politics of the Duke of Zhou.
It is said that the Duke of Zhou himself has compiled this books.

"This is the politics of the saint."
Wang said so.
Duke of Zhou was the saint of ideal and the politician of ideal for the Chinese already.

"Therefore, this is politics that the Holy Emperor should do."
After the Xin dynasty founding,he ran the politics completely based on this ancient documents.
However, there was one problem.
Wang became emperor.
Therefore he was necessary to do the politics. 
And of course,people were exist inside and outside of country of the self-proclaimed Holy Emperor.
He would tries to match all people conditions to his thought.
It was his politics.
Long-lasting would be impossible in this.
After 15 years, Xin dynasty vanished.

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