Monday 16 September 2013


Mid-6th century,Buddhism has been handed down to Japan from Baekje kingdom of the Korean Peninsula.

Powerful families that believe in Buddhism.
Powerful families that believe in God of ancient Japanese.

After this,conflict arises between the two.
It escalated into a war and Buddhist faction won.
Buddhism to establish the status of national religion by it.

By the way,it seems there is another side to this battle.

Powerful families of emerging. (came to Japan new)
Powerful families of old.

Power struggle between the two.
This seems there was also its meaning.

Situation in Japan of the early 7th century in after the Buddhist faction won.
It has been recorded briefly to "隋書倭国伝". (zui-syo wakoku-den)


Free translation of "隋書倭国伝" is "Items related to Japanese in History of the Sui dynasty" of China.
This "history of the Sui dynasty" was created in the mid-7th century under the Tang dynasty.
It's shortly before of the Battle of Hakusukinoe of 660 AD.
Destruction of Baekje kingdom was determine by this battle.
And hegemony of Silla kingdom in the Korean Peninsula was became the decisive.
After this battle,Many Baekje people came to Japan.
It would have been units of ten thousand.

Maybe,there was a foundation to accept them in Japan already.


"The emperor of the country where the sun rises will send a messenger to the emperor of the country where sun goes down."

According to this recording,Japan sent a messenger to the Sui Dynasty at that time.
And this sentence was the beginning of personal letter of Japan.
By the way,this letter was very rude from the point of view of Chūka shisō.

"A person become the emperor who receives the mandate of heaven. 
Only he receives an obligation to govern this world from heaven. 
In short,the emperor only is precious in the world.
Therefore,there shall be no discrimination in this world.
People of all is equal under this emperor."
Because this was the point of view from Chūka shisō.

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