Tuesday 30 April 2013

your always welcome

"Thank you for your trouble."
Katsu said thank to Yamaoka.
"Please do not mind.
I wasn't able to live up to your expectations.
I did not meet to his main disciple.
And his family also seems to have evacuated from the Edo city already."
Yamaoka replied.
"Where they took evacuated?"
Because his leading disciple Tomita Takayoshi is Soma samurai.
Than anything,Tomita is his son-in-law."
If it was Tomita, might come up with something good wisdom for that issue. 
I was told so..
However,Tomita is a key figure in Soma clan.
Currently meet him it would be impossible."
"I see.
Thanks again."
katsu said so.

"Your always welcome.
I am also a Tokugawa vassal.”
Yamaoka laughed.

Of course lord not to travel alone.
Although depending on the size of its clan,there was the case of two or three thousand people scale matrix.

This matrix had moved slowly in a dignified manner.
Because dignity of lord was very important.
Of course this was mere move of every other year.

Although depending on that travel distance,there was the case that cost several thousand ryo consuming.
(Several million U.S. dollars?)

Of course they had a mansions in the Edo city.
There was many vassals reside there.
Their salary.
Upkeep of the mansions.
(This mansions were on several places in the Edo city.)
Companionship as lords.
This costs was also heavy.

Prestige of lords in Tokugawa regime.
It was determined by rice yields in their territory.

Also they were ordered to public works from the Tokugawa regime by that number.
Of course they had to bear that cost.


Its financial resources.
Therefore,financial resources of the lord of this era.
It was a rice tribute of farmers as a land tax basically.
(And sales income of that rice.)

Rice at the time.
It was weak to changes in climate.
Famine occurred often.
(I think rice cultivation around the world it was like this.)

The actual tax revenue changed by it.

When the Great Famine.
Of course there was no tax revenue.
In this case, lords ran the remedy.
Of course this cost was took.

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