Friday 12 July 2013


Kinjiro became the attendant of sons of the Hattori family.
At that time,There was a school for the children of the samurai in each territory.
It called ”Hankō”.(藩校)

Kinjiro seems to had hear the lecture along with the children.
He had not qualify of students of course.
He heard the lecture waiting in the corner of the auditorium as a footman.

School for the common people’s children for teach reading and writing.
It called "Terakoya" and it was in throughout Japan. (寺子屋)


However,an ordinary farmer want more than that.
It was difficult in practice.

"I can study by working in Hattori home."
Why Kinjiro began work.
It might have been this simply.


But Study at that time.
It was mainly Confucianism of China.(儒教)

Kinjiro also learned the classics of Confucianism at Hankō.
It called "Shishogokyō". (四書五経・Four Books and Five Classics)

"治国平天下・Ruled the State properly for the world peace."
(This is the one passage of the book of Confucianism.
I was paraphrasing its sentence that was translated into Japanese.)
Era of Emperor Wu of the Han empire of China.
Confucianism became the state religion in China.
(There seems to be different opinion to this.)
And Imperial examination system called ”Kakyo”.(科挙)
It was started in the era of the Sui Empire of China.
The Nation(Emperor) was tested,and its successful candidate became the bureaucracy,the politician and the military of the state.
This test was conducted by the Confucian thought.

Speaking quite roughly,Confucianism was political science.


This system did not exist in Japan.

But this era at least,Most people of Japan who aspire to study. 
This was synonymous to aspire to politics.

Kinjiro had ambition in politics.
Even so,It was not that special.
Four Books and Five Classics(四書五経) 
Imperial examination(科挙)  

All pronunciation of Chinese characters are Japanese accent.

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