Saturday 29 September 2012


Around the same time,Choshu and Tosa influence was strong in political arena of Kyoto.

”Expel Western people from Japan.”
Group of that idea was at the helm of Choshu and Tosa at that time.
In Tosa's case,”Goushi” had assassinated to key Cabinet Ministers of opponents of their. (Literal translation of Goushi is samurai of village)
There were also aspects of the class struggle.

They became radicalization naturally.
And were involved to the conspiracy and assassination in Kyoto of many.
”Expel western people from Japan by military force.”
They demanded so to the Tokugawa.
Assassination was the implicit background of there.
By the way,persons who had done direct negotiations to Tokugawa.
That was the aristocracy in Kyoto under the influence of them.

They were wirepuller only.
However,they were originally not position that was able to negotiation against Tokugawa.
(Due to the difference in class.)

"Decide the date,run the armed attack to the western countries of domestic." 
Well,it was finally approved.

When western countries found out about this fact,maybe they began doubts about the ability of the Tokugawa reign.

That execution date.
Maybe Western countries did not know still this fact.
When they go to Yokohama by ship,they had to pass through the Strait of Choshu territory.
Choshu was shelling them from the land. 
Rightly they were originally defenseless,they had damage one after another.  
Assassination rampant in Kyoto. 
Conspiracy escalate.
Criticism from Western countries.
The situation there was no grace for the Tokugawa.

Suddenly,Imperial Palace had been guard by mainly Aizu and Satsuma.
And intrusiveness to the Imperial Palace of Choshu was prohibited.
Political change began.

Choshu was fiercely protested to this situation but it was useless.
Above all,the Emperor had an aversion to their actions.
Choshu and Tosa was exiled from political arena of Kyoto along with the aristocracy under the influence of their.
This political change effects were immediate in Tosa.
Group members of them were arrested one after another.
And they were executed.

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