Sunday 20 October 2013

benighted monarch

By the way,formal name of the emperor of China.
It is determined to be after his death.
Character which symbolize his reign.
It is given to after his death.
Emperor who called like that after his death.
One year later of "the first disasters of Partisan Prohibitions". 
He was crowned as emperor 12 of the later Han Dynasty.
(From the resurrection of the Han dynasty.) 

A general sense of this character is "spirit". 

However,if this character is a symbol of the reign.
"He did not destroy the dynasty of their own.
But he was confused the dynasty by own actions."
This character is used in this sense.

Eventually,the later Han dynasty vanished in the 14's.
But in fact, this dynasty vanished into his reign.

Note:帝 stands for 皇帝.
皇帝 is "emperor".


At about the same time.

"By change of the emperor,family structure of the imperial family also has changed.
Therefore,confusion would have occurred also in the interior of the inner palace group.
Yes,ugly power struggle would have occurred between them. 

There must be chance there that we can exploit. 
And we have also public support.
We must not miss this opportunity.
Just now is the chance to recapture the regime from rogue.
However,we must be very careful one at the same time.

Our recognition was overly optimistic last time.
And our actions lacked prudence as a corollary.
So we failed.

We must not become optimistic never.
And we must aim to eliminate them only."

A confidential talk like this had been done ​among the people of survival of The Imperial Court group.
But their voices seems too large apparently.

"They are mere servant after all."

Just maybe there was such arrogance in them yet.
This conspiracy was to be known to the inner palace group immediately.

"The second disasters of Partisan Prohibitions"

It was the start of this crackdown as a coup de grace to the later Han dynasty.

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