Tuesday 1 October 2013

real name

"First and last name."
This write as "姓名". (sei-mei) 

Of course,姓 is "last name (family name)".
And 名 is "first name (personal name)".
In short,名 should be in there.
But it is not exist in there.


In old Japan,there was a certain tradition of naming convention.
It called "イミナ・いみな". (imina)
This "imina" was actually 名.

Ancient Japanese. (Particularly noble.)
Real name of their own has been known to others.
They were very afraid it.
Because it was required for curse.
Therefore,they hid it during lifetime.
And they used the nickname.

名 of 倭王(the king of Japan) does not exist in this history book of China.
Record officer probably was not able to know it.
So he might be recorded the nickname as 字.

Note:倭王(the king of Japan) seems to have inherited the nickname of 多利思比孤(tarishihiko).

And 阿毎多利思比孤
This is a phonetic equivalent.

The name of the person of Japan at the time.
The name of the officers of Japan at the time.

They did phonetic equivalent for things unique to Japan.



Today,general meaning of 名.
It is "name" of all things.
(It is not limited to people.)

Well,this Chinese characters can be decomposed into two.

Today,general meaning of "夕" is "the evening".
And general meaning of "口" is "the mouth".
Although "夕" in this case.
This is the abbreviation of "明".
Such an idea also seems to exist.
And in this case, meaning of "明" is "dawn".
"Sun and moon do not exist.
Darkness,this moment.
People call out to each other.
And they confirm each other."
Origin of 名.
It seems like that.   

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