Thursday 24 October 2013

the popular literature

There was a system called the imperial examination. (科挙)
It starts in the era of the Sui dynasty and lasted until late of the Qing Dynasty.

Every man were able to exam this test.
And if they pass its test,they were able to become the government officials of the dynasty.

"I want to render great service for the people.
If I pass this test,its dream come true."

All persons who aspire to politics.
They aimed to pass this test.

Note:The Sui dynasty. (581AD-619AD)
Imperial examination. (until 1905AD)

Therefore this system does not exist in the era of the Han dynasty.


But there is a period in which this imperial examination was abolished. 
It's early in the Yuan Dynasty. (1271AD-1368AD)

The Yuan Dynasty is a dynasty by the Mongols.
In short,it was part of the Mongol Empire originally.

First emperor Kublai of the Yuan Dynasty.
At the same time,he was fifth emperor of the Mongol Empire originally.
Mongol Empire was divided officially into his reign.

By the way,before the conquer China,they did the western expedition of the Eurasian continent already.

Islam and Christ.

So they had touching excellent culture and system different from China already.
With it,at the time of the conquered China,Bureaucratic organization with a focus on people in the west seems to have existed.

As a result,slighted of political system of China by the Yuan Dynasty.
It seems to have existed.
(Especially its initial.)

Note:Although write by memory.
Empress of Kublai might have been Christians.


Piece of entertainment for the masses.
This period was also a time when many its works were produced.

The popular literature.

It seems there was a little neglected until then.

Because persons who have literary genius.
All of them aimed to passing the examinations imperial examination.
Talent of a writer.
It was a key element of this test.

"My talent should be used for politics of the dynasty."
Such recognition seems to was strong.

But its way was cut off.

Therefore,their talent.
It began towards the popular literature.

There seems to be a situation like this.

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